Join Us in Building

a Brighter Future

Join Us

In Building A Brighter Future

"He Leads, We Follow"

Psalm 23

Discover Who We Are

Who We Are

Transforming Lives Through Faith & Service

Transforming Lives Through Faith & Service

He is the Remedy is a Christian ministry dedicated to combining willing hands with generous hearts to improve the lives of the poor, vulnerable, and underserved communities in Kenya. Our mission is to provide basic life services, promote leadership, and raise up a community one person at a time through discipleship, education, empowerment, and sustainable life skills.

Bringing Hope, Purpose & Transformation

We believe that through our faith in Jesus Christ and our commitment to service, we can bring hope, purpose, and transformation to communities in need. By fostering spiritual growth and providing practical support, we aim to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and become positive influences in their communities.

Our Mission

Guided by faith, Driven by Love

Our mission is rooted in the words of 1 Peter 4:10-11: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

Through discipleship, we aim to build up leaders who will be change-makers in their families, communities, and in the Kingdom of God.

Our vision is to see transformed lives that reflect the love and grace of Jesus Christ, as we empower individuals to serve, lead, and inspire others within their communities.

Learn about Our Ministry's

Discover Our Ongoing

Projects in Kenya

< Empowering lives & Building Communities >


Through Football

Faith and Discipline on the Field

Through sports, we instill discipline and teamwork, deepening faith with discipleship. Our young leaders faith has led them to launch 'BLAST,' an evangelical outreach group, and establish a community church.

Life Skills & Jobs

Through Farming

Cultivating Sustainability and Growth

Teaching agricultural skills that foster resilience and economic stability, providing sustainable employment. Participants also contribute to evangelical food outreaches, sharing their harvest with others in need.

Community Empowerment

Foundation for Tomorrow

Fostering sustainable development through 11 Homes in 11 Months, Widow's Economic Empowerment, school sponsorships & youth camps, all designed to empower individuals and strengthen community bonds.

Our Mission

Guided by faith, Driven by Love

Our mission is rooted in the words of 1 Peter 4:10-11: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

Through discipleship, we aim to build up leaders who will be change-makers in their families, communities, and in the Kingdom of God.

Our vision is to see transformed lives that reflect the love and grace of Jesus Christ, as we empower individuals to serve, lead, and inspire others within their communities.

Learn about Our Ministry's Fundriaising efforts

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace."

1 Peter 4:10

This is how you can

Make an Impact

< fIND OUT HOW YOU CAN MAKE A Positive Impact on others' lives >

Your support can transform lives. By DONATING, you directly impact the future of those in need, helping us provide essential services, education, and hope to communities in Kenya.

Whether you’re an individual looking to volunteer or a group wanting to partner with us by sending a team, there’s a place for you in this mission.

And if you want to stay connected to the impact you’re making, subscribe to our newsletter for stories of transformation and updates on our work. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing love, hope, and change to those who need it most.

Join the Email Newsletter

& Stay in Touch

Stay updated on the latest news, stories, and upcoming events from He is the Remedy. By joining our email newsletter, you'll receive inspiring stories of transformation, updates on our key projects, and opportunities to get involved in our mission.

Don’t miss out on the chance to see how your support is making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Meet the


Maria & Russ Baker

Watch their Full Story Here >>>

"Living and serving in Kenya since 2019, our mission is to make disciples and build relationships that transform lives through the love of Jesus, focusing on those who are marginalized and in need of hope."

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Updates from Kenya

Mollit voluptatem perspiciatis convallis elementum corporis quo veritatis aliquid blandit, blandit torquent, odit placeat. Adipiscing repudiandae eius cursus? Nostrum magnis maxime curae placeat.

MTK Elevate Media visits Our Ministry

MTK Elevate Media visits Our Ministry

MTK Elevate Media captured the heart of our ministry during a visit from Mombasa, inspiring our football players with sessions on media arts, opening new opportunities in Kenya's growing creative indu... ...more

Faith & Football ,Community Empowerment

August 30, 20243 min read

Win, Lose, and Draw: A Season of Challenges and Victories

Win, Lose, and Draw: A Season of Challenges and Victories

Chebaiywa Football Club's season is full of challenges and triumphs, from wins on the field to heartwarming community successes. Read our latest blog for inspiring stories and updates. ...more

Faith & Football ,Life Skills & Farming &Community Empowerment

August 26, 20243 min read

Our first food outreach of 2024 was a huge success

Our first food outreach of 2024 was a huge success

Our team shared food with 1000 families, visited 3 schools providing deworming medicine and multi-vitamins to more than 500 young children and delivered cases of sanitary napkins to a girls junior hig... ...more

Life Skills & Farming ,Community Empowerment

August 09, 20244 min read

Contact Us

He is the Remedy is a charitable nonprofit corporation in the state of California and a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. Tax-ID: 81- 4213386

He is the Remedy Africa is also a

Registered Kenyan Non-Profit.

Copyright © 2024.

He is the Remedy & He is the Remedy Africa.

All rights reserved.