Meet Maria

& Russ Baker

Discover their journey

& the work they were called to do in Kenya

Welcome to our ministry

He is the Remedy Africa

< in Chebaiywa, Kenya>

Hi! We are Russ and Maria Baker, and we are glad you are here to learn more about the Ministry we founded. In 2013, we took our first steps onto Kenyan soil, embarking on a short-term mission trip that would forever change our lives. We came with hearts open to serve, but little did we know that Kenya would become our home and the center of our ministry. By 2019, we had committed to living full-time in Kenya, fully embracing the call to make disciples and transform lives.

Our journey began with a simple yet profound mission: to reach out to young men in desperate need of hope. We started with a football team, drawing together around 30 young men who had been written off by their communities. These were men battling the temptations of the world—alcohol, drugs, depression, and even the darkness of suicide. They were labeled as "trouble" and cast aside, but we saw them differently. We saw them as young men of potential, worth, and value. Through the love of Christ, we told them, "I see you, and you are loved." That simple acknowledgment opened doors to their hearts, allowing Jesus to begin His transformative work.

What started on the football field soon blossomed into so much more. We realized that these young men needed more than just spiritual guidance—they needed practical opportunities to build better lives. This realization led us to expand our ministry into farming and agricultural projects, creating jobs and providing a sustainable livelihood for many. As we nurtured these seeds of change, our ministry grew to include community development, clean water projects, school sponsorships, and weekly Bible study groups.

But the impact didn't stop there. The young men we discipled became leaders themselves, planting a church, leading evangelistic outreaches, and even starting a Kids' Bible Camp to protect the next generation from the very struggles they had overcome. Through our Widows' Economic Empowerment program, we saw women who had been left with nothing rise to become pillars of strength and dignity in their communities.

At the heart of everything we do is a commitment to relationships. We believe in meeting people where they are and walking with them at their pace, just as Jesus did. It's not always easy—ministry can be messy, painful, and challenging. But it's also beautiful, life-giving, and 100% worth it. Our greatest desire is to raise up Kenyan leaders who are God-fearing, God-trusting, and God-honoring, equipped to be missionaries in their own communities and beyond.

We have no agenda other than to share the love of Jesus with our friends and neighbors. To serve well and love well. We believe that through faith, compassion, and the power of community, we can create a ripple effect of transformation that reaches far beyond what we could ever imagine.

Join us in this journey as we continue to grow He is the Remedy, a ministry built on the foundation of faith, hope, and relentless love.

Watch Our Full Story Here

Dedicated Hearts, United in our mission

Our valued

Discover Our Ongoing

Team Members

< Empowering lives & Building Communities >


Operations Manager

Caleb is an experienced farm manager with a deep knowledge of farming and animal care. Married with one child and another on the way, he is a natural entrepreneur and a jack of all trades, known for his organizational skills and versatility. Caleb's hands-on approach and commitment make him a key part of He Is the Remedy's success.


Farm Manager

Joshua is a farm manager with a gentle spirit, known for his humility and ability to relate to people easily. As a kind and nurturing leader, he helps others grow through his loving management style. Married with one child, Joshua’s heart for people makes him a vital part of the He Is the Remedy team.


Farm Manager, Co-Founder BLAST

Matthew, co-founder of the BLAST evangelical team, brings a deep love for Jesus to his role as a farm manager. A Sunday school teacher and preacher, Matthew manages all three of our farms and is passionate about sharing the Gospel. Married with one child and another on the way, his leadership in both ministry and farm management is foundational to our mission.


Football Coach & Mentor

Coach is a dedicated football coach and mentor, living at Remedy House as a house father to the players. With a focus on discipline and spiritual growth, he prioritizes ministry over football, investing 24/7 in the lives of the young men he mentors. Married with two kids, Coach’s commitment to building character and faith sets him apart as a true leader.


Office Administrator

Justus, our office administrator, was the first scholar sponsored by He Is the Remedy to graduate from university. Now, as a humble and smart entrepreneur, he is giving back to the ministry that helped him succeed. His desire to serve and his administrative skills make him an invaluable member of the team.



Daniel serves as the Chaplain of He Is the Remedy Church, conducting weekly devotions and partnering with all departments as the spiritual leader. Compassionate and thoughtful, Daniel is currently enrolled in an online chaplaincy course, furthering his passion for spiritual guidance and pastoral care within the ministry.


Community Development Officer

Justine is a dedicated footballer, team captain, and an active member of the BLAST evangelism team. With a huge heart for ministry, his primary goal is to bring more people to know Christ. Known for his gentle spirit and soft-spoken nature, Justine is kind, eager to learn, and continually growing in his role. His passion for both football and ministry makes him a valuable asset to the team.


Community Development Officer

Caroline is a founding member of the BLAST team, bringing a wealth of knowledge in agriculture to the ministry. With a certificate in general agriculture and strong expertise in animal husbandry, she plays a crucial role in community development. Caroline’s dedication and practical skills make her an essential part of the team as she helps to strengthen the community through sustainable agricultural practices.


Office Administrator

With a Bachelor’s degree in communications and journalism, Elisha brings valuable administrative skills to He Is the Remedy. His expertise not only benefits the organization but also helps bridge the ministry’s relationship with the community. Having volunteered with HITRA for two years, Elisha is deeply committed to supporting the ministry’s goals and fostering meaningful connections within the community.

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Updates from Kenya

Mollit voluptatem perspiciatis convallis elementum corporis quo veritatis aliquid blandit, blandit torquent, odit placeat. Adipiscing repudiandae eius cursus? Nostrum magnis maxime curae placeat.

He is the Remedy.

The Most Incredible Things are Happening Here

May 15, 20245 min read

We are so privileged and humbled to witness all that God is doing in and through He is the Remedy. He is raising up leaders, evangelists, and lovers of Jesus. Our hope is that you will take the time to really look into the faces captured in these pictures and get a feel of the impact your prayers and financial support are making. Like everyone we have good days and bad days. Victories are celebrated and losses are mourned. We miss family and loved ones in the US and embrace and deeply love our Kenya family. God has been faithful. We live in His provision for today and trust that tomorrows provision will come. We are learning to trust more and worry less. Relationships are valued above all else. Discipleship making is key to Kingdom growth. Forgiveness is a command, and peace is a promise. Enjoy this update! With love and gratitude, Russ and Maria and the He is the Remedy team.

He is the Remedy Farming Ministry

Farming is a BIG part of our ministry on many levels. It creates jobs, provides food for our own ministry, sales that can be reinvested, and food stored up for outreach. 

Picture #1 is our 11 acres of maize, (on leased land), #2 and 3 is our our beans, sweet potatoes, and bananas on our farms. This is the first year our bananas are producing fruit:. Picture #4 is a section of the farm that we are implementing the "Farming Gods Way" system. Two of the techniques are not plowing the land and using a deep mulch called God's blanket to retain water and protect from heat. 

This year we set aside one full acre for the guys who work on the farms. They formed their own committee and are learning how to run their own project. They are free to plant what they want and harvest and use as they wish. We are excited to see them take ownership and step into more personal responsibility and leadership roles.

He is the Remedy Updates

Culturally and for many reasons, getting married can be a challenging and costly endeavor. Unfortunately if the groom cannot afford to pay the dowry the couple often ends up living together for years even having children but not entering into a covenant marriage. We were so proud of Victor, (our office admin.), who wanted to honor God and Judith by entering into a covenant and legal marriage. Even though he could not afford the dowry at this time, he had the courage to speak to his future in-laws and explain to them why it was important to him to marry their daughter and not simply move in together. He vowed to pay the dowry as he could afford and the family so touched by his honesty and good intentions for their daughter agreed. We were blessed to stand in as "parents" at their ceremony in the Magistrates office. We hope to see more of this shift to real covenant marriages while honoring the culture and families involved. It was a blessed day for sure.

He is the Remedy OutreachHe is the Remedy Outreach Program Kenya

We had an AMAZING visit from our Water of Life family. Although we only had one day with them, their presence was like a burst of oxygen into our lungs. They participated in a home welfare check, visited one of our farms, greeted the farmers and then spent the day at kids camp serving with our BLAST team. We had an opportunity in the evening to share a meal, sing, worship and pray together. We hope next time the WOL team will stay with us for a longer time. We LOVED having them.

He is the Remedy BLAST Outreach Team


Our BLAST team hosted three separate week long kids camps during school break. More than 600 kids attended with more than 100 decisions for Christ or re-commitments. Our BLAST team have a gift for sharing the gospel with youth. These kids are going home and sharing their encounter with Jesus with their families. God is using these children in some cases to show their own parents the way to Jesus.

He is the Remedy Outreach Programs

Meet miss Hazel Elena Avinaiywa, my sweet little namesake.

 Making disciples. This is our mission!


He is the Remedy

Three of our 11 homes in 11 months have been completed in three months. This project has literally been  life changing for the recipients. Thank you to our generous donors. We have funding for a several more homes but haven't yet reached our goal of 11. Even though costs for materials is increasing in Kenya, you can still build a two room home with glass windows and concrete floors for about 1000.00.

He is the Remedy Updates

Loving on our team through teachings, support and encouragement. Loving on our neighbors by showing up in times of need, and loving on our growing He is the Remedy family. Celebrating the first place position and working hard to maintain it. We are so incredibly blessed to be used by God in these ways. DISCIPLESHIP is our core value, focus and endeavor. Please consider partnering with us so that we can continue the work, expand our boarders and grow the Kingdom of God. 


  • Please pray for good health for us and our ministry team. Water brings mosquitos and mosquitos carry malaria. 

  • Pray for continued financial support. As the ministry grows so does our monthly budgets.

  • Pray for the country of Kenya. The death toll is rising as the flood waters continue to devastate villages and communities. 

  • Visitors! We would love to host visitors and teams. There is more than enough work to share.

  • Pray that God will extend our tent pegs. We are praying for people who are willing to share the work and service of He is the Remedy with others. Churches, groups, organizations.

  • Pray for our scholars. Pray for a successful education and high exam marks and opportunities for employment post graduation.



Will you partner with us financially...

  • Donate by check: He is the Remedy 8780 19th St. #453  Alta Loma, Ca. 91701 (directly to our ministry).                                                                                   

  • Donate by check: Water of Life Community Church 14418 Miller Ave. Suite K, Fontana, Ca. 92336. Please include BAKER MISSIONAIRIES in memo section.                             

  • Donate online via WOL by following this link.

  1. Login or create an account

  2. Click green GIVE button

  3. Fund-drop down menu select MISSIONARIES

  4. Sub Fund-drop down menu select BAKERS

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Maria & Russ Baker

Russ and Maria Baker are the driving force behind He is the Remedy, a ministry focused on transforming lives in Kenya through three core pillars: Faith and Discipline through Football, Life Skills and Outreach through Farming, and Community Empowerment and Evangelism. With a deep commitment to building relationships and fostering sustainable change, they work tirelessly to raise up Kenyan leaders, share the love of Jesus, and empower communities to thrive. Their mission is to bring hope, faith, and tangible support to those in need, creating a brighter future for the entire community.

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He is the Remedy is a charitable nonprofit corporation in the state of California and a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. Tax-ID: 81- 4213386

He is the Remedy Africa is also a

Registered Kenyan Non-Profit.

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He is the Remedy & He is the Remedy Africa.

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