


More Than a Game:

Football as a Pathway to Leadership and Faith

Who We Are

Transforming Lives Through Faith & Service

Cultivating discipline & faith

He is the Remedy's football program is more than just a sport; it's a powerful tool for transforming lives. We began with a simple vision: to use football as a bridge to lead young men away from the challenges of their past and toward a future grounded in Jesus Christ. Through rigorous training and mentorship, we instill discipline and teamwork, while simultaneously deepening their faith through dedicated discipleship and Bible studies.

From the field to the community

As these young men grew in their faith and leadership, their commitment extended beyond the football field. They have formed the BLAST Evangelical Outreach team, actively sharing the Gospel throughout local communities. Their journey didn't stop there—they’ve also planted a vibrant community church in Chebaiywa, a testament to their spiritual growth and desire to share God’s love.

Transformative Impact

From the Streets to a life of Purpose

Our football program has transformed the lives of many young men who were once caught in cycles of idleness, drugs, and disruptive behavior. Through the program, these players have found purpose and direction on the football field. It has provided not just an outlet for their energy, but also a supportive community that has guided them away from the streets and toward brighter futures. Each player’s journey is a testament to the power of mentorship, discipline, and faith, as they continue to grow both on and off the field.

Building on faith

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Beyond the Field:

< Evangelism and Church Planting >

Our football program does so much more than just teach the game; it opens doors to new possibilities and brighter futures. For many of these young men, football became the key that unlocked their potential, guiding them away from the challenges of idleness and substance abuse. Through the values of discipline and faith, they found a sense of purpose and belonging.

Now, with the support of He is the Remedy, they’re using their experiences to reach out to others, leading the BLAST Evangelical Outreach team and helping more youth discover the hope and stability that comes from a life rooted in Jesus.

But their journey didn’t stop there. The relationships and lessons learned on the field have blossomed into something truly special—a community church in Chebaiywa, where faith grows and thrives. These young leaders are giving back in ways they never imagined, sharing the love and support they received through food programs, kids’ camps, and other initiatives that bring joy and strength to the community. It’s a beautiful cycle of giving, where the blessings they’ve received are now flowing out to touch the lives of others.

“Football gave me a reason to get up in the morning. It brought me into a family where I felt seen and supported. It helped me realize that I could be more—that I could lead, grow, and give back to my community.”

He is the Remedy Football Player

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Football Players

< Disciples of Jesus on & off the field >

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Win, Lose, and Draw: A Season of Challenges and Victories for Chebaiywa Football Club

Win, Lose, and Draw: A Season of Challenges and Victories

August 26, 20243 min read

As we reach the halfway point of the season, the Chebaiywa Football Club stands strong with 15 wins, 2 losses, and 6 draws, maintaining our position at the top of the league. The second half of the season has been far more challenging, as other teams seem determined to knock us from our first-place spot—by any means necessary. Despite facing cheating, bribery, rough play, and even ringers, our boys remain resolute in their faith, stepping onto the field each time with integrity and determination.

This theme of "win, lose, and draw" extends beyond the football field and seems to encapsulate our experiences over the past two months. We've faced numerous challenges, from disciplinary actions to difficult counseling sessions. Yet, through it all, we've also seen incredible victories that remind us of why we do this work.

Wins: From the Field to the Community

One of the most significant wins came when the team was invited to the home of an older couple from a neighboring village. This was no ordinary invitation; the couple is Muslim, and they asked our team to come for tea and pray for them. It was a powerful reminder that faith transcends barriers and that our work is touching lives in unexpected ways.

Another major win is the success of our farms. The quality and quantity of our harvests have exceeded expectations, attracting the attention of other local farmers who visit our fields to learn our methods. These conversations always begin with our guys sharing about Jesus, intertwining their agricultural success with their faith.


A Loss That Became a Huge Win

Kinda, one of our football players, has had an incredible transformation journey. Once struggling with alcohol and drug problems, Kinda’s life took a turn when he found faith in Jesus. So much so that the team elected him as their captain. However, Kinda and his wife, who were living as caretakers in someone else's home, faced a crisis when the owners decided to return and asked them to move out.

Kinda had saved what little money he could to buy materials to build his own home, but the situation was dire, with his wife being seven months pregnant. When Kinda approached us for help, we discovered that the materials he had bought were inadequate. Our team sprang into action, finding better materials and ensuring Kinda’s new home was built properly. His teammates joyfully participated in the construction, turning a potential loss into a resounding win. The home will be dedicated on August 27th.


Challenges and Prayers Needed

Not all challenges have turned into immediate victories. We’ve been working with two young brothers who were semi-abandoned by their mother. Despite our best efforts to support them and reconnect them with their mother, she has left again, showing little interest in their well-being. This situation is heartbreaking, and we are partnering with other ministries and authorities to ensure these boys have a future filled with hope and promise. Your prayers for Brian and Dennis would be greatly appreciated.

We are also facing uncertainty with our work permits and visas, which expire soon. While we have taken all necessary steps for renewal, the process is fraught with bureaucratic challenges. We are trusting in God’s plan but ask for your prayers as we navigate this difficult situation.

Ending on a High Note

Despite the struggles, we have experienced moments of pure joy and gratitude. We were honored to attend a celebration for our dear friend Florence, who received the Hero’s Award from the Republic of Kenya for her service to her church, community, and country—the highest civilian honor.

Another significant win came when our football players stepped up to donate blood for patients in need, despite having worked hard all day. Their selflessness and willingness to help others, even when tired and hungry, filled our hearts with pride.


Your Support Matters

  • Donate: Your contributions help us continue these life-changing initiatives.

  • Volunteer: Get involved directly by sharing your time and skills.

  • Spread the Word: Help us reach more people by sharing our story.

Every action you take brings hope and transformation to the lives of those we serve. Thank you for being part of our journey!

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Maria & Russ Baker

Russ and Maria Baker are the driving force behind He is the Remedy, a ministry focused on transforming lives in Kenya through three core pillars: Faith and Discipline through Football, Life Skills and Outreach through Farming, and Community Empowerment and Evangelism. With a deep commitment to building relationships and fostering sustainable change, they work tirelessly to raise up Kenyan leaders, share the love of Jesus, and empower communities to thrive. Their mission is to bring hope, faith, and tangible support to those in need, creating a brighter future for the entire community.

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He is the Remedy is a charitable nonprofit corporation in the state of California and a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. Tax-ID: 81- 4213386

He is the Remedy Africa is also a

Registered Kenyan Non-Profit.

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